... 'a bad day birding is infinitely better than a good day at work' ...










All reports of rare and scarce birds are subject to ratification by the appropriate rarities committee!




Monday 1st

Male and female GOOSANDER on Kendleshire GC | A RED KITE over Tormarton Village  plus four in the Shire Valley, Marshfield and a further two at West Littleton | Fifteen possible WAXWING north-east over the A431 near Marsham Way, Longwell Green  | Two or three RING-NECKED PARAKEET in a private garden at Stoke Park | Two JACK SNIPE in the Pilning WR area New Passage.


Tuesday 2nd

A 'redhead' GOOSANDER on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate plus five (one male, two female and two juveniles) on Brimsham Park Lake, Yate and a drake was seen in flight to the north-east in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area | Two RING-NECKED PARAKEET noted in a private garden at Stoke Park | C.100 COMMON SNIPE disturbed by the rising tide at Oldbury Power Station | A 1st winter LITTLE GULL was reported up-river past Severn Beach at 14:00.


Wednesday 3rd

The seventh S. Gloucestershire record of SLAVONIAN GREBE was found on Butts Pool, Pilning WR, New Passage this morning before moving to The Signals Pool!


Slavonian Grebe | South Glos Birds


Thursday 4th

A 1st winter GREY PHALAROPE was found feeding on the incoming tide at Shepperdine where it remained until at least 13:00 | The winter adult SLAVONIAN GREBE continued on Pilning WR, New Passage throughout the day | Three RING-NECKED PARAKEET were once again on show in a private garden at Stoke Park | A WATER PIPIT and at least three JACK SNIPE were noted on Aust Warth.


Water Pipit | Matt Hall


Friday 5th

Fifteen GOOSANDER were counted on Brimsham Park Lake, Yate and a pair were continuing on Kendleshire GC | A JACK SNIPE was located on Chipping Sodbury Common | A female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART was reported from The Jetty, Oldbury Power Station | The winter adult SLAVONIAN GREBE still throughout the day on Pilning WR, New Passage | A WATER PIPIT was once again reported from the Cake Pill area on Aust Warth.


Black Redstart | Ian Armour


Saturday 6th

Three RED KITE from Rushmead Lane, Marshfield | A winter male BLACK REDSTART was seen on small buildings on the south-east side of Oldbury Power Station and a female/ 1st winter was spotted again around The Jetty there | The winter SLAVONIAN GREBE lingered on Pilning WR, New Passage | A single AVOCET was noted on the estuary from Oldbury Power Station | A flock of eight WAXWING were located around the small pond adjacent to Lagoon II, Oldbury Power Station | Several WOODCOCK were seen across the recording area.


Waxwing | Dave Staley

Woodcock | Chris Teague


Sunday 7th

The winter SLAVONIAN GREBE still present on Pilning WR, New Passage | A 1st winter male MARSH HARRIER was watched quartering Pilning WR, New Passage this morning | A single WAXWING was seen in flight to the north-east over Northwick Road at 10:45 and subsequently heard over Littleton Brick Pits | A male and female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART were both seen in the Oldbury Power Station environs | At least one JACK SNIPE was located on Chipping Sodbury Common and a further six were noted on Aust Warth | At least two WATER PIPIT were seen on Aust Warth | A RED KITE was seen over Severn View Services, Aust | Fourteen AVOCET were present on Pilning WR, New Passage.


Monday 8th

A JACK SNIPE was seen in fields from West Littleton Road, Marshfield and another was noted from Aust Warth | A WHOOPER SWAN was both seen and heard in flight down river past Oldbury Power Station | A male and female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART were both seen in the Oldbury Power Station environs | A WATER PIPIT was seen on both Aust and Northwick Warth | A 'redhead' GOOSANDER was present on Kingsgate Park, Yate | A RED KITE over fields at Rushmead Farm, Marshfield | Two GREAT WHITE EGRET were logged on Pilning WR, New Passage.


Tuesday 9th

A RED KITE was seen drifting south-east over Kingsgate Park, Yate, another was noted from Down Road, Marshfield and one over Hilary's Field, Hawkesbury  | Two 'redhead' GOOSANDER were present on Brimsham Park Lake and a female was seen on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate, Yate | A female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART continuing at Oldbury Power Station | Three WAXWING were reported from the grounds of Tortworth Farm Shop, Tortworth.


Goosander | Alan Piper

Black Redstart | Heather England


Wednesday 10th

Five GOOSANDER, two males, three 'redheads' on Brimsham Park Lake this morning | A single JACK SNIPE still on Chipping Sodbury Common.


Thursday 11th

A male GOOSANDER was present on the R. Avon at Willsbridge  | Two RED KITE over fields near The Cross Hands, Old Sodbury | Two RING-NECKED PARAKEET still present in the Stoke Park area | Two WATER PIPIT flew up from the saltmarsh between Thornbury Sailing Club and 'The squeaky gate', Oldbury Power Station | A single JACK SNIPE was still present on Pilning WR, New Passage.


Friday 12th

At least two JACK SNIPE reported from Aust Warth.


Saturday 13th

A JACK SNIPE and WATER PIPIT were reported from the Aust Warth area  with another WATER PIPIT noted in the Oldbury Power Station environs | Both the winter male and female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART were spotted in the Oldbury Power Station environs.


Sunday 14th

A GLOSSY IBIS was noted in flight in S. Glos airspace from the north-west over Long Wood, Stoke Park before departing to the east! | Two JACK SNIPE were displaced by the rising tide from the Severn Beach saltmarsh | A WATER PIPIT was reported from the New Passage/ Pilning WR area | The female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART was still present in the Oldbury Power Station environs | A single BRAMBLING was mixing with c.800 mixed finches in the Mays Hill/ Frampton End area | At least nine RED KITE were logged today - eight in the Marshfield area and one at Dodington.


Black Redstart | Heather England


Monday 15th

Three GOOSANDER, a male and two 'redheads', on Coopers/ Stanshawes Lake, Yate with a further two on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate | A SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF briefly in a private garden on Shackleton Avenue, Yate before flying towards Kingsgate Park | A 1st winter YELLOW-LEGGED GULL and an immature female MARSH HARRIER were both present on Pilning WR, New Passage this morning | A single RED KITE was noted near 'Jarretts', North Common at Lunchtime  | A female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART continuing at Oldbury Power Station.


Red Kite | Nigel Jones


Tuesday 16th

A RED KITE in the Dodington Ash area | A single JACK SNIPE was flushed by the rising tide from the saltmarsh at Shepperdine, a 2nd-year male MARSH HARRIER was hunting over Lagoon III, Oldbury Power Station at dawn and the female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART continued around The Jetty at the same site.


Wednesday 17th

At least four RED KITE in the Marshfield area | Three RING-NECKED PARAKEET in the S. Glos section of Stoke Park | A male and female MANDARIN on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate | A single JACK SNIPE was noted on a frozen Pilning WR, New Passage.


Thursday 18th

A GOSHAWK was seen heading high up-river in the Northwick Warth area | At least four JACK SNIPE present on Chipping Sodbury Common | A FIRECREST was once again present at Village Green, Emersons Green | A single RED KITE over the A46 near Tolldown/ Beacon Lane Plantation.


Firecrest | Chak Kan Lam


Friday 19th

At least two RING-NECKED PARAKEET visiting a private garden at Stoke Park on a twice daily basis | An adult YELLOW-LEGGED GULL present on Coopers/ Stanshawes Lake, Yate plus a pair of MANDARIN and three GOOSANDER (a male and two 'redheads') | A male MARSH HARRIER was noted on Pilning WR, New Passage.


Saturday 20th

Two CATTLE EGRET were seen in flight low from the south diagonally across Lagoon II, Oldbury Power Station at 08:00 | Now four RING-NECKED PARAKEET visiting a private garden at Stoke Park | An adult YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, a male and female MANDARIN and eight GOOSANDER (two males and six 'redheads') on Coopers/ Stanshawes Lake, Yate | Two 'redhead' GOOSANDER were seen in flight to the east over the Tan House Lane area, Rangeworthy | A single RED KITE over Old Sodbury | LATE NEWS: A probable SHORT-EARED OWL was reported flushed from saltmarsh near Thornbury Sailing Club, Oldbury-on-Severn in early January.


Sunday 21st

A male and 'redhead' GOOSANDER on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate plus a further six in flight over towards Cooper/ Stanshawes Lake | A GREAT WHITE EGRET was seen in flight over the M48 just east of Severn View Services, Aust | A 1st winter YELLOW-LEGGED GULL was seen from Severn Beach.


Monday 22nd

The first COMMON SCOTER (a female) of the year was seen from Severn Beach this afternoon | A male and 'redhead' GOOSANDER still on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate | A RED KITE was seen over Bridgeyate around 15:00.


Tuesday 23rd

Three CATTLE EGRET were found in fields at the entrance to Oldbury Power Station mid-morning two of which were still present mid-afternoon.


Cattle Egret | Pete Hazelwood


Thursday 25th

Two 'redhead' GOOSANDER were present on Windmill Farm Carp Lake near Westerleigh. Another two 'redheads' were spotted on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate later over a property near Yate Common and nine, three males and six 'redheads' were counted on Coopers/ Stanshawes Lake, Yate | A Pair of MANDARIN lingering on Coopers/ Stanshawes, Lake Yate | A single JACK SNIPE still present on Aust Warth.


Friday 26th

A RED KITE near Old Sodbury and one down river past Oldbury Power Station | The male BLACK REDSTART continues around The Jetty at Oldbury Power Station | A single CATTLE EGRET present in fields at the entrance to Oldbury Power Station | A 1st winter LITTLE GULL was seen from Severn Beach.


Saturday 27th

Two CATTLE EGRET now showing in fields at the entrance to Oldbury Power Station | Three RED KITE showing west over Shirehill Bridge, Marshfield, another two over Victoria Road, North Common and another over Colts Green, Old Sodbury | A female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART still on show in the Oldbury Power Station environs | Up to four SHORT-EARED OWL still present at an undisclosed S. Glos site!


Cattle Egret | Terry Winter


Sunday 28th

A female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART still on show in the Oldbury Power Station environs | A GOOSANDER was reported from the R. Avon near Bitton | A JACK SNIPE was reported from Severn Beach | A RED KITE in the Old Sodbury area again with singles over Chipping Sodbury Common and Hall End, Wickwar and a record equalling twenty-five in the Shire Valley, Marshfield!


Black Redstart | Terry Winter


Monday 29th

A male and a probable juvenile/ female GOSHAWK and two RED KITE were seen in the Hawkesbury Upton area this morning | Three CATTLE EGRET once again in fields near the entrance of Oldbury Power Station | Nine (three males, one immature male and five 'redhead') GOOSANDER still on Coopers/ Stanshawes Lake, Yate | A FIRECREST was again reported from Emerson's Green Village Park.


Tuesday 30th

Two CATTLE EGRET still present in fields at the entrance of Oldbury Power Station | A WATER PIPIT was seen on Littleton Warth | Five RED KITE in the Shirehill Bridge, Marshfield area.


Wednesday 31st

Three CATTLE EGRET again in fields at the entrance of Oldbury Power Station | One JACK SNIPE, a 'redhead' GOOSANDER and a 2nd calendar year male MARSH HARRIER were all reported in the Aust Warth area and an adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL, the first of the year, was seen from Severn Beach | A RING-NECKED PARAKEET was reported in the Henfield Road area at Coalpit Heath.





Thursday 1st

The female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART was once again noted around The Jetty, Oldbury Power Station this morning.


Friday 2nd

Four CATTLE EGRET were reported in fields north of the M4, south of Codrington around 10:00.


Sunday 4th

At least twelve RED KITE in the Shire Valley, Marshfield | A good count of seventeen LITTLE EGRET were seen feeding in a damp field at Henfield, Coalpit Heath | Two RING-NECKED PARAKEET were once again attending feeders in a private garden at Stoke Park this morning. They have been present there every day so far this year! | A FIRECREST was found in the Lincombe Barn area, Downend this morning | Three MANDARIN (A male and two females) on private land in the Tortworth/ Avening Green area today.


Monday 5th

A LESSER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (of unknown origin and presumably the Slimbridge WWT individual) was seen to fly south-west from Swinhay House Lake, Gloucestershire across the boundary into S. Gloucestershire airspace today | Two 'redhead' GOOSANDER on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate this morning | The first FULMAR of the year was seen from Severn Beach this afternoon | An adult YELLOW-LEGGED GULL was seen from Severn Beach over high tide.


Tuesday 6th

A CATTLE EGRET was found in fields from New Passage Road today - it represents the first ever February record of this species for S. Gloucestershire


Wednesday 7th

Two WATER PIPIT today, singles from Aust Warth and New Passage | Four JACK SNIPE noted from Aust Warth | A CATTLE EGRET continued in fields from New Passage Road today | Seven RED KITE from The Shire Valley, Marshfield | All five species of Owl on the S. Gloucestershire Systematic List have been reported from across the recording area in recent days.


Cattle Egret | Paul Bowerman


Thursday 8th

Just one RED KITE reported today from the Rushmead Lane/ Farm area, Marshfield


Friday 9th

Nine GOOSANDER (four males, five 'redheads') on Coopers/ Stanshawes Lake, Yate this afternoon | Several SHORT-EARED OWL were noted at undisclosed sites across S. Gloucestershire in recent days.


Saturday 10th

A female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART was reported from Oldbury Power Station this morning | A CATTLE EGRET was once again on show and a MEDITERRANEAN GULL were both noted in the New Passage/ Pilning WR area. A RED KITE drifted west over Severn View Services, Aust another went south-west over Yate and one was seen over Chipping Sodbury Common | Seven, three males and four 'redhead' GOOSANDER on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate this morning.


Sunday 11th

Three HAWFINCH were encountered in deepest, darkest Lower Woods, Wickwar today | A RED KITE over Almondsbury.


Hawfinch giving the 'Sicilian stare' at Lower Woods | Mark Coller


Monday 12th

A female MARSH HARRIER over Lagoon II, an adult male BLACK REDSTART on waste ground inland of The Jetty and a JACK SNIPE were all logged at Oldbury Power Station | Four pairs of GOOSANDER still on Coopers/ Stanshawes Lake, Yate this morning | RED KITE: Singles over Yate Rocks, Mapleridge Lane, Wickwar, near Acton Turville and Old Sodbury and Cann Break, North Common plus two from the A420 between Marshfield and The Folly | Two HAWFINCH over the south end of Lower Woods from Mapleridge Lane, Wickwar.


Wednesday 14th

An adult winter male BLACK REDSTART was once again noted on waste ground opposite The Jetty at Oldbury Power Station.


Thursday 15th

Five GOOSANDER (two males, three 'redheads') from Kingsgate Park, Yate | A single RED KITE over Ridings Road, Coalpit Heath around mid-day | At least three COMMON SCOTER were heard heading north-east low over the sea defences at Severn Beach around 19:55.


Friday 16th

An adult RING-BILLED GULL was reported from the BAWA Sports Ground, Filton around 09:20. It represent just the seventh (7th) record of this species for S. Gloucestershire! | Four HAWFINCH were present at Lower Woods, Wickwar this morning | A single COMMON SCOTER was heard over Severn Beach at 03:45 and two 'flocks' were reported from Aust Warth in the evening!


Saturday 17th

Seven GOOSANDER (three males, four 'redheads') from Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate | Three BLACK REDSTART (two males and a female/ 1st winter) from the Oldbury Power Station environs this morning | A single RING-NECKED PARAKEET was reported from St. Anne's Church, Oldland Common and a FIRECREST was noted in the Churchyard there.


One of three Black Redstart at OPS | Heather England


Sunday 18th

Nine GOOSANDER (three males, six 'redheads') and a MEDITERRANEAN GULL from Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate this morning | A single RED KITE between Codrington and Dodington | At least three SHORT-EARED OWL from various sites across the recording area today | A female BRAMBLING was seen at Tubbs Bottom, Frampton Cotterell.


Mediterranean Gull from Kingsgate Park | Mark Coller


Monday 19th

Three EGYPTIAN GEESE were seen in flight south over Severn View Services, Aust | An adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL on the estuary and a female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART at Oldbury Power Station | Two JACK SNIPE were seen in the Pilning WR/ New Passage area.


Tuesday 20th

A WATER PIPIT and two JACK SNIPE were seen on Aust Warth, Aust | Ten GOOSANDER (three male, seven 'redheads') lingering in Kingsgate Park, Yate.


Wednesday 21st

Single RED KITE over Jarrett's, Oldland Common and Oldbury Power Station | Seven GOOSANDER (two males, five 'redheads') still present in Kingsgate Park, Yate.


Friday 23rd

Several SHORT-EARED OWL reported from undisclosed sites around the recording area | A RED KITE was reported from the Tormarton area and another over the Ring Road north of Hick's Gate.


Saturday 24th

An immature GOSHAWK was watched over Aust Cliffs, Aust this morning | Nine GOOSANDER (two males, seven 'redheads') continuing in Kingsgate Park, Yate and a RED KITE over Chipping Sodbury Common | Two BLACK REDSTART (a male and female/ 1st winter) near The Jetty at Oldbury Power Station today.


Sunday 25th

Seven GOOSANDER (all 'redheads') still on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate | Two RED KITE to the west of Shirehill Bridge, Marshfield | A male and female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART still on show in the Oldbury Power Station environs this morning.


Monday 26th

A 'ringtail' HEN HARRIER was reported in the Northfield Lane area at Marshfield this morning | RED KITE reported today - four at Marshfield and two over Barry Road, Oldland Common | Seven GOOSANDER (a male and six 'redheads') still present in Kingsgate Park, Yate this morning | Two YELLOW-LEGGED GULL on the coast today - an adult over Aust Cliffs, Aust and a 1st winter on Pilning WR, New Passage | A female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART continuing in the Oldbury Power Station environs today.


Tuesday 27th

RED KITE - Four at Dodington Ash and one from Frampton Cotterell | A RING-NECKED PARAKEET was reported in the Woodchester Park area, Yate | A pair of MANDARIN and a 'redhead' GOOSANDER on Coopers/ Stanshawes Lake with a further five (all 'redheads') lingering in Kingsgate Park, Yate | A BRAMBLING was heard calling from trees in the southern corner of Lagoon III, Oldbury Power Station.


Wednesday 28th

One 'redhead' GOOSANDER still in Kingsgate Park, Yate with a male in flight over there and towards Brimsham Park | A WAXWING in the Hanham Hills/ Court area this morning | Seven RED KITE were counted in the Shire Valley, Marshfield this afternoon.


Waxwing at the foot of Hanham Hills | Stefan Csaki


Thursday 29th

A putative Siberian Chiffchaff visited a private garden at Yate this morning | A WAXWING was lingering around the junction of Abbots/ Court Farm and Ferry roads, Hanham throughout the day | RED KITE: Two just west of Marshfield and one from North Common | GOOSANDER - Seven (a male, two immature males, four 'redheads') still in Kingsgate Park, Yate | SHORT-EARED OWL: At least three still from several sites across the recording area.


Putative Siberian Chiffchaff heard calling a few times | Chris Teague

A probable 1st winter male Waxwing | Brian Thompson





Friday 1st

The WAXWING continuing around the junction of Abbots/ Court Farm and Ferry roads, Hanham.


Saturday 2nd

Five GOOSANDER (a male and four 'redheads') from Kingsgate Park, Yate with a further three 'redheads' over towards Brimsham Park  | The Hanham WAXWING still present this morning  | An adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL visited Severn Beach this morning; Three AVOCET dropped on to Pilning WR, New Passage  | SHORT-EARED OWL: several still showing across the recording area.


Sunday 3rd

Seven GOOSANDER lingering in Kingsgate Park, Yate whilst nearby a BRAMBLING was spotted on Chipping Sodbury Common  | RED KITE: One from the Tormarton Road, Tormarton and two from Cann Brake Wood, North Common  | SHORT-EARED OWL: several still showing across the recording area.


Monday 4th

A HAWFINCH was seen in flight to the north-west over Severn View Services, Aust at c.07:45 and nearby two AVOCET were noted on Pilning WR, New Passage  | A male BLACK REDSTART was showing very well at Oldbury Power Station  and a second probable 1st winter was heard at Splats in the grounds of Abbey Wood, Filton  | RED KITE: One over Lagoon III, Oldbury Power Station.


Tuesday 5th

Two female/ 1st winter and one male BLACK REDSTART at Oldbury Power Station this morning  | SHORT-EARED OWL: Still at least three present across the recording area today  | Five GOOSANDER (all 'redheads') still in Kingsgate Park, Yate  | Nine AVOCET were present in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area.


One of three Black Redstart at OPS | Pete Coslett


Wednesday 6th

A GOSHAWK was noted in flight in the evening at Wickwar  | SHORT-EARED OWL: Several still being reported across the recording area  | The male BLACK REDSTART again next to waste ground near The Jetty at Oldbury Power Station.


Thursday 7th

Two 'redhead' GOOSANDER still clinging to Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate  | RED KITE: Singles at Oldbury Power Station and Down Road plus three more in the Shire Valley, Marshfield.


Friday 8th

RED KITE: One over Oldbury Power Station CP heading west this morning  | Eighteen AVOCET counted in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area | This year's first NORTHERN WHEATEAR was reported from the Bitton area.


Saturday 9th

A GOOSANDER and the first SAND MARTIN of the year flew past Severn Beach at c.08:40, an adult PINK-FOOTED GOOSE was found on Butts Pool, Pilning WR, New Passage where there was also 26 AVOCET and an adult winter LITTLE GULL  | At least two RING-NECKED PARAKEET still visiting a private garden at Stoke Park  | RED KITE: One over Chipping Sodbury Quarry and a further two between Charfield and Tortworth | Our second highest count of c.3,100 MEADOW PIPIT (to the north-east) was logged this morning during a 'VisMig' from Severn Beach.


Pink-footed Goose on Pilning WR | Paul Bowerman


Sunday 10th

The first ever March record of WOODLARK was seen in flight to the south-west over Severn View Services, Aust at c.07:20 | On Severnside, 24 AVOCET and the winter adult PINK-FOOTED GOOSE continued on Pilning WR, New Passage  | Three RED KITE over Jarrett's, Oldland Common.


Monday 11th

A female MARSH HARRIER, RED KITE, three adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL, nineteen AVOCET and the winter adult PINK-FOOTED GOOSE were all available in the Northwick Warth/ Pilning WR area this morning  | Two CATTLE EGRET were found on Littleton Warth | SHORT-EARED OWL: Several still being reported from sites across the recording area  | Two JACK SNIPE from West Littleton Road, Marshfield and three RED KITE from the Shire Valley.


One of two Cattle Egret on Littleton Warth | Matt Plenty


Tuesday 12th

Eighteen AVOCET in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area along with PINK-FOOTED GOOSE and an adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL  | SHORT-EARED OWL continue from sites across the recording area.


Wednesday 13th

Two female GOOSANDER on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate and nearby reports of single RED KITE from Yate and Chipping Sodbury Common  | Sixteen AVOCET, PINK-FOOTED GOOSE and MEDITERRANEAN GULL all in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area  | SHORT-EARED OWL continue from sites across the recording area.


Thursday 14th

Two female GOOSANDER on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate and nearby a single RED KITE over Yate  | Two MANDARIN reported at the confluence of R. Boyd/ R. Avon area at Bitton  | The first returning LITTLE RINGED PLOVER was logged in the Pilning WR, New Passage area today along with fourteen AVOCET.


Friday 15th

Two COMMON CRANE were noted in flight to the north-east over Pilning WR, New Passage plus eleven AVOCET  | A RED KITE was noted over Yate.


Saturday 16th

Two female GOOSANDER on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate whilst nearby a SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF was both seen and heard near the Fishing Pool on Chipping Sodbury Common  | Ten AVOCET present on Pilning WR, New Passage.


Sunday 17th

Two female GOOSANDER on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate  | A RED KITE noted over Jarrett's, North Common  | Ten AVOCET present on Pilning WR, New Passage.


Monday 18th

Two female GOOSANDER on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate  | RED KITE noted today at Thornbury, Yate and Warmley  | Two MEDITERRANEAN GULL from Severn View Services, Aust | SHORT-EARED OWL continue from sites across the recording area  | Nine AVOCET present on Pilning WR, New Passage.


Tuesday 19th

A RED KITE over Hambrook first thing with a further two seen from Chipping Sodbury Common |  Eight AVOCET and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE present in the Northwick Warth/  Pilning WR, New Passage area | Two 'redhead' GOOSANDER still on Kingsgate Park Lake, Yate.


Wednesday 20th

A 1st year male BLACK REDSTART was found in a private garden on Shackleton Avenue, Yate at 06:20 and seen briefly twice but had departed by 07:45! | Four AVOCET were noted on Pilning WR, New Passage.


Black Redstart at Yate | Mark Coller


Thursday 21st

'The' PINK-FOOTED GOOSE was seen again today on Northwick Warth and nearby eleven AVOCET were counted on Pilning WR. New Passage | Five CATTLE EGRET were seen in flight to the south-west from Severn View Services, Aust this morning | Another five CATTLE EGRET and a drake MANDARIN were watched from Holm Mead Bridge, Bitton.


Friday 22nd

Our first WILLOW WARBLER of the year was reported from Bitton Cycle Path near the R. Avon | A female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART was on show near The Jetty at Oldbury Power Station this morning | The PINK-FOOTED GOOSE was present on Northwick Warth and nearby eleven AVOCET was counted on Pilning WR | A RED KITE was watched heading north-east over Severn Beach and another was seen at Shepperdine.


The peripatetic Pink-footed Goose on Severnside today | Rosemary Setter


Saturday 23rd

One 'redhead' GOOSANDER in Kingsgate Park, Yate this morning | Fourteen AVOCET and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE present in the Northwick Warth/ on Pilning WR, New Passage area | At least 200 KITTIWAKE noted off Severn Beach.


Sunday 24th

RED KITE: Singles at Wickwar and Marshfield | The first ever GREAT WHITE EGRET for the 'Yate patch' was found in Kingsgate Park where it lingered briefly and a 'redhead' GOOSANDER was still present | Twelve AVOCET and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE were noted in the Northwick Warth/ Pilning WR, New Passage area | SHORT-EARED OWL: At least one still present in the recording area.


The first record of Great White Egret in Kingsgate Park, Yate | Mark Coller


Monday 25th

The first YELLOW WAGTAIL of the year was reported from the Pilning WR, New Passage area today and represents the earliest date for this species for South Gloucestershire - the previous earliest date was March 30th 2023 on Pilning WR. | Also on Pilning WR a dozen AVOCET and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE | Four RED KITE were on show in St Catherine's Valley, south-west of Marshfield this morning | A dozen WAXWING were reported in a private garden near the cricket club, Hawkesbury Upton today.


Tuesday 26th

RED KITE: Singles at West Littleton Down, Marshfield, Oldbury Power Station, Chipping Sodbury Common plus a further two low to the east over Yate | A 'redhead' GOOSANDER lingering in Kingsgate Park, Yate | Thirteen DARK-BELLIED BRENT GEESE and two COMMON SCOTER to the north-east, and a JACK SNIPE were all spotted from the foreshore at Severn Beach | Eleven AVOCET, PINK-FOOTED GOOSE and this year's first SWALLOW were all present in the Northwick Warth/ Pilning WR, New Passage area | A GREAT WHITE EGRET was reported from the Oldbury Power Station environs | One 'possible' CATTLE EGRET was reported from fields along Gorse Lane, Pennsylvania.


Wednesday 27th

RED KITE: Singles over Longwell Green and Kingsgate Park, Yate | Thirteen AVOCET and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE continuing in the Pilning WR, New Passage area.


Thursday 28th

Eleven AVOCET, LITTLE RINGED PLOVER and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE in the Pilning WR, New Passage/ Northwick Warth area were the only notable sightings today.


Friday 29th

A 'redhead' GOOSANDER was seen again in Kingsgate Park, Yate |  Thirteen AVOCET and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE were continuing in the Pilning WR, New Passage/ Northwick Warth area.


Saturday 30th

A 'redhead' GOOSANDER lingering in Kingsgate Park, Yate |  RED KITE: Singles over Wickwar and Chipping Sodbury Common |  A female/ 1st winter BLACK REDSTART noted again at Oldbury Power Station | SHORT-EARED OWL: At least two still showing on and off from regional sites | Eleven AVOCET still on Pilning WR, New Passage and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE still in the area.


Sunday 31st

One RED KITE over Highfield, Wick | A female MARSH HARRIER was spotted over Western Distribution, Severn Beach |  Eleven AVOCET and WATER PIPIT were reported from the Pilning WR, New Passage/ Northwick Warth area | A drake MANDARIN present in the Holm Mead area again.


Marsh Harrier | Vic Savery





Monday 1st

A 'redhead' GOOSANDER still present in Kingsgate Park, Yate and nearby a Siberian Chiffchaff was seen in Star Vale Farm hedge on Chipping Sodbury Common | A summer plumaged WATER PIPIT was present on Aust Warth, Aust | Several RED KITE reported today from Black Rocks, Frampton Cotterell, Yate and Stoke Gifford | SHORT-EARED OWL continues at sites across the recording area.


Tuesday 2nd

The PINK-FOOTED GOOSE continued in the Northwick Warth area and the first White Wagtail of the year was seen in the Northwick/ Pilning WR area | Two RING-NECKED PARAKEET still attending feeders in a private garden at Stoke Park.


Wednesday 3rd

A pair of MANDARIN were noted 'perched' in a tree at Lower Woods, Wickwar.


Thursday 4th

The lingering 'redhead' GOOSANDER was in Kingsgate Park, Yate and nearby the Siberian Chiffchaff was still present on Chipping Sodbury Common | A FIRECREST was found in pines in the meadow at Oldbury Power Station and this year's first COMMON WHITETHROAT was singing in bushes around Lagoon II | On Severnside this year's first HOUSE MARTIN and SEDGE WARBLER | A single RED KITE over the Withymead end of Marshfield village.


Sedge Warbler | South Glos Birds


Friday 5th

Single RED KITE were seen over Hanham Hills and Westerleigh | The first COMMON REDSTART of the year were found on Chipping Sodbury and Yate Commons respectively.


Saturday 6th

The first GRASSHOPPER WARBLER of the year heard 'reeling' in scrub south of Severn Beach was supported by individuals on Northwick Warth, the MoD site at Abbey Wood, Filton and Hanham Hills | At Oldbury Power Station three PIED FLYCATCHER, the first of the year were all on show plus a 1st winter LITTLE GULL, this year's first COMMON SANDPIPER and a SANDWICH TERN |  On Severnside the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE lingering in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area and nearby the first six GANNET and TREE PIPIT of the year, three COMMON SCOTER, a 1st winter MEDITERRANEAN GULL, SANDWICH TERN were all noted from Severn Beach.


One of three male Pied Flycatcher at Oldbury Power Station | Pete Hazelwood


Sunday 7th

From Severn Beach today, first sightings this year of GUILLEMOT, COMMON TERN, ARCTIC TERN, two RED-THROATED DIVER and five ARCTIC SKUA plus four MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st summer, two 2nd summer and an adult). Nearby the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE were noted in the Pilning WR/ New Passage area | In Kingsgate Park, Yate the 'redhead' GOOSANDER put in another appearance |  Single RED KITE was seen at Tog Hill and the Shire Valley.


Monday 8th

A female PIED FLYCATCHER was present and a GREAT WHITE EGRET flew over Severn View Services, Aust this morning | A GRASSHOPPER WARBLER was heard on Chipping Sodbury Common, a pair of GOOSANDER flew over and nearby a 'redhead' GOOSANDER was still in residence in Kingsgate Park, Yate | A 1st winter LITTLE GULL was seen to fly into S. Glos airspace from the Keynsham side of the R. Avon north over the Holm Mead area, Willsbridge | Two GRASSHOPPER WARBLER and three REED WARBLER were counted in the Oldbury Power Station environs | A REED WARBLER (this year's first)  and 'the' PINK-FOOTED GOOSE  were noted in the Pilning WR/ New Passage/ Northwick Warth area.


Tuesday 9th

A GRASSHOPPER WARBLER was heard 'reeling' at the south end of Lagoon III, Oldbury Power Station | The PINK-FOOTED GOOSE continued in the Pilning WR/ New Passage area | Two summer MEDITERRANEAN GULL and ≥350 KITTIWAKE from Severn Beach this evening | Two RED KITE in the Shire Valley, Marshfield this afternoon and one over Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth.


Wednesday 10th

A GRASSHOPPER WARBLER was heard 'reeling' on Chipping Sodbury Common | Two RED KITE were watched over Redfield Hill, Oldland Common | A 'mixed songster' WILLOW WARBLER was audio recorded near Tesco roundabout, Yate | A RUFF, the first of the year, arrived on Pilning WR, New Passage.


Thursday 11th

The first LESSER WHITETHROAT of the year was bagged by The Lake, Oldbury Power Station this morning | A drake MANDARIN was found on the fishing pond, Chipping Sodbury Common | An OSPREY flew north over Northwick Warth at c.10:40 and nearby a RED KITE and two GREAT WHITE EGRET in the Pilning WR area | A GRASSHOPPER WARBLER was heard 'reeling on Aust Wetlands, Aust.


Friday 12th

A RED KITE present in the Shire Valley, Marshfield | Several GRASSHOPPER WARBLER today, two from Aust Wetlands, Aust, one at Oldbury Power Station and one around Shirehill Bridge, Marshfield | The first GREENSHANK of the year was audible at night on the Severn Beach shore | A Greenland Wheatear was reported from Chipping Sodbury Common.


Saturday 13th

A male HEN HARRIER was seen on the foreshore at Severn Beach mid-afternoon | Two GRASSHOPPER WARBLER were heard in scrub south of Severn Beach another was heard in the Pilning WR area and another was both seen and heard in scrub close to Passage Road, Aust | The first WHINCHAT of the year was logged in the Oldbury Power Station environs this morning | Two SPOONBILL (the first of the year) briefly this morning before departing towards Wales and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE continued on Northwick Warth.


Whinchat | Pete Hazelwood


Sunday 14th

A GOSHAWK was noted in flight over Severn View Services, Aust and nearby a GREAT WHITE EGRET was noted in the Aust STW area | Two GRASSHOPPER WARBLER were 'reeling' at Aust Warth and a further two were placed on Aust Wetlands | An OSPREY was seen battling with COMMON BUZZARD over the R. Avon and Chequers PH, Hanham mid-morning | A wholly unconfirmed report of a WHOOPER SWAN in flight over Stoke Gifford.


One of two Grasshopper Warbler on Aust Wetland | Derek Clarke


Monday 15th

A BLACK-THROATED DIVER seen in flight downstream from Oldbury Power Station represents the first for this site, the 6th for S. Gloucestershire and the first ever April record | A WOOD WARBLER, the first of the year, was heard at and a RED KITE was seen in flight to the north-west past Oldbury Power Station | The PINK-FOOTED GOOSE still in the Pilning WR, New Passage/ Northwick Warth area.


Black-throated Diver | Pete Hazelwood


Tuesday 16th

A male HEN HARRIER was seen in flight north-east over the Shire Valley, Marshfield around 17:25 | A GRASSHOPPER WARBLER in the Severn Beach area with a further two in the Oldbury Power Station environs.


Wednesday 17th

A male COMMON SCOTER and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area | A RED KITE noted over Thornbury.


Thursday 18th

On Severnside the first HOODED CROW since April 24th 1994 and just the 7th record S. Gloucestershire record was seen flying north east upriver past Severn Beach at 09:55 | A GRASSHOPPER WARBLER in the Severn Beach area with another noted on Aust Warth | A GREAT WHITE EGRET and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE in the New Passage/ Northwick Warth area | A RED KITE was seen over Yate.


Friday 19th

A GRASSHOPPER WARBLER was noted from Severn Beach | An OSPREY was seen in flight over Pilning WR, New Passage | A RED KITE was seen heading north-east over Hanham | A male GOOSANDER was seen on the R. Avon halfway between Siston Brook and the Chequers PH, Hanham.


Saturday 20th

Two RED KITE over West Littleton plus singles over Mapleridge Lane, Chipping Sodbury and Goose Green Way LNR, Yate | The Siberian Chiffchaff continued on Chipping Sodbury Common today.


Sunday 21st

The first COMMON CUCKOO of the year was present in the woods above Horton Court, Horton | A RED KITE was seen in flight north over Yate | On Severnside four COMMON SWIFT, the first of the year, were noted north-east past Severn Beach this morning along with MARSH HARRIER,  an adult LITTLE GULL plus a dark morph ARCTIC SKUA from Severn Beach in the evening. A 'DIVER SPP' (probably Red-throated) seen from Severn Beach this evening defied identification! C.2,200 BAR-TAILED GODWIT were logged to the north-east past Severnside throughout the day | Two GREAT WHITE EGRET (flew over north-east) and the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE still in the Pilning WR, New Passage area.


Monday 22nd

Two drake RED-BREASTED MERGANSER, the first of the year, were seen on the R. Severn from Severn Beach at 06:35 before departing down river | The first GARDEN WARBLER of the year was found in scrub to the south of Severn Beach this morning | A 'redhead' GOOSANDER was seen in flight to the north-east past Severn Beach at 07:50 | A female MARSH HARRIER was present in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area | A RED KITE was noted over Aust Warth | Two GREAT WHITE EGRET were watched in flight to the north-east over Lagoon II, Oldbury Power Station.


Tuesday 23rd

A single FULMAR and MARSH HARRIER were both seen from Severn Beach this morning with the harrier seen subsequently over Pilning WR | A pair of GOOSANDER were watched from the Oldbury Pill area, Oldbury on Severn this morning | Single RED KITE in the Marshfield area this morning and Oldland Common this afternoon.


Wednesday 24th

A COMMON CUCKOO was heard in the woods at Old Down, Olveston this evening | A single RED KITE over Hanham | The PINK-FOOTED GOOSE lingering in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area.


Thursday 25th

A wholly unconfirmed report of two Ring necked parakeet visiting a garden on Chipperfield Drive, Kingswood most mornings | A female MARSH HARRIER was again noted in the  in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area.


Friday 26th

A RED KITE over Chipping Sodbury Common | A juvenile GOSHAWK was seen circling inland of Lagoon II, Oldbury Power Station | On Severnside a WOODLARK was seen in flight to the south-west past Severn Beach at 06:55, the first LITTLE TERN of the year was seen in flight to the north-east past Severn Beach at 07:15, a MARSH HARRIER was present at Severn Beach and a GRASSHOPPER WARBLER was heard 'reeling' in the Pilning WR area.


Saturday 27th

Single RED KITE over Hanham at 11:15 and Warmley Forest Park, Warmley | From Severn Beach a dark morph ARCTIC SKUA was seen heading north-east around 08:30 and the first HOBBY of the year was seen heading north-east around 10:10 | The PINK-FOOTED GOOSE still lingering in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area.


Sunday 28th

An OSPREY was seen around 10:25 in flight to the north-east past Severn Beach and later over Pilning WR where a GREAT WHITE EGRET was also on show.


Monday 29th

A male WOOD WARBLER was found in Sallows next to path in the west corner of Lagoon III, Oldbury Power Station where it could be heard calling and singing occasionally.


Wood Warbler | Pete Hazelwood


Tuesday 30th

A single RED KITE over Blackhorse and Leap Valley, Downend with a further three over 'Jarrett's' Oldland Common | The first SPOTTED FLYCATCHER of the year was found in the Pilning WR/ New Passage area today | Single COMMON CUCKOO heard calling at Rockhampton and Oldbury Power Station.


The first Spotted Flycatcher of the year | Paul Bowerman





Wednesday 1st

A COMMON CROSSBILL, the first of the year,  was seen in flight to the  north-east over Severn View Services, Aust this morning. This occurrence represents the first ever May record of this species for S. Gloucestershire! | Three RING-NECKED PARAKEET continue to visit a private garden at Stoke Park | A pair of BEARDED TIT were present on Pilning WR, New Passage between 09:00 and 11:00 before departing to the north-east. This occurrence represents the first ever May record of this species for S. Gloucestershire! | A CATTLE EGRET was also present on Pilning WR, New Passage this morning | A GOSHAWK was heard from Wetmore, Lower Woods, Wickwar.


One of a pair of Bearded Tit on Pilning WR | Paul Bowerman


Thursday 2nd

A late MERLIN was watched along Highfield Lane between Horton and Hawkesbury Upton this afternoon | The PINK-FOOTED GOOSE was once again present in the New Passage/ Northwick Warth area this morning | The first CURLEW SANDPIPER of the year was found feeding on the shoreline at Severn Beach at 13:15 | A 3rd-year/ adult YELLOW-LEGGED GULL upriver along the near bank at Oldbury Power Station.


This year's first Curlew Sandpiper at Severn Beach | Paul Bowerman


Friday 3rd

The PINK-FOOTED GOOSE was once again present in the New Passage/ Northwick Warth area and a grounded RED KITE was also on show there.


Saturday 4th

A GRASSHOPPER WARBLER was seen from the Severn Beach shore, a female 'type' MARSH HARRIER and two RED KITE were seen over Pilning WR, New Passage, a SHORT-EARED OWL was flushed from Lagoon III, Oldbury Power Station plus an unconfirmed report of a WOOD WARBLER.


Sunday 5th

A RED KITE was seen in the New Passage/ Northwick Warth area, five SANDWICH TERN, MARSH HARRIER, CATTLE EGRET  and GREAT WHITE EGRET were all seen from Severn Beach.


Monday 6th

A DARK-BELLIED BRENT GOOSE to the south-west past Severn Beach, two Black Swan of unknown origin, were seen initially from Severn Beach before alighting on Pilning WR, New Passage and a SHORT-EARED OWL was noted over the saltmarsh at Severn Beach around 10:15. RED KITE: Three on Severnside, singles at Lower Woods and Chipping Sodbury Common.


Tuesday 7th

A GREAT WHITE EGRET was watched in flight up-river past Oldbury Power Station | Two RED KITE over Longbeach Road, Longwell Green.


Wednesday 8th

RED KITE: One in the Pilning WR/ New Passage area.


Thursday 9th

A female MARSH HARRIER was seen on Chipping Sodbury Common this morning before departing towards Yate | A single RED KITE north-east of Hawkesbury Upton | Eight COMMON EIDER (including four drakes at 07:10) to the south-west, a RED-THROATED DIVER (to the south at 07:35) and two SPOONBILL (to the north-east around 19:00) were watched from Severn Beach today.


Friday 10th

RED KITE: One over Tortworth.


Saturday 11th

RED KITE: Two over Wickwar throughout the day | A probable LITTLE TERN up-river past Oldbury Power Station | A SHORT-EARED OWL was watched over the estuary at Shepperdine.


Sunday 12th

Two RED-THROATED DIVER were seen in flight to the north-east past Severn Beach around 09:30 | A probable HONEY BUZZARD was seen distantly in flight from the sea wall at Severn Beach before heading inland to the north-east. | An OSPREY was seen in flight to the west over Yate Common around 10:25 | RED KITE (10): Two north-east over Brabazon, Patchway around 10:00, one over Yate Common and Frenchay and six over cut fields at Wickwar.


One of six Red Kite at Wickwar | Paul Sadley


Monday 13th

RED KITE: Singles seen over Yate Common around lunchtime and the southern section at Marshfield | A FIRECREST was seen in trees off Ellan Hay Road, Bradley Stoke around 17:45.


Tuesday 14th

A GREAT WHITE EGRET was seen from Severn View Services, Aust this morning | A drake COMMON EIDER was watched at Oldbury Power Station for several hours | RED KITE: One at the west end of the Shire Valley, Marshfield, two on show at Oldbury Power Station.


Drake Common Eider at OPS | Matt Plenty


Wednesday 15th

A female MARSH HARRIER was watched over Pilning WR, New Passage.


Thursday 16th

A GLOSSY IBIS circled over Pilning WR, New Passage around 06:50 before departing to the north-east. It represents the first ever May record of this species for S. Gloucestershire!


Friday 17th

A sub-adult SPOONBILL was found on Pilning WR, New Passage and present until late afternoon at least and a RED KITE was noted over the reserve.


Spoonbill | Paul Bowerman


Saturday 18th

Twenty-one AVOCET were counted on Pilning WR, New Passage today.


Sunday 19th

Two GREAT WHITE EGRET were noted flying north-east over Northwick Warth early morning | RED KITE: Singles at Wickwar, Yate Rocks and the Shire Valley.


Monday 20th

RED KITE: Singles reported today from Pilning WR, New Passage, Oldbury-on Severn, Mangotsfield, North Common, Shire Valley, Marshfield, Wickwar and Hawkesbury Upton.


Tuesday 21st

A GREAT WHITE EGRET was seen in flight to the north over the M49 near Hallen | A RED KITE noted over Pilning WR, New Passage | An unconfirmed report of a WOOD WARBLER at Thornbury.


Wednesday 22nd

RED KITE: Singles reported from Kingsgate Park, Frampton Cotterell and Kingswood.


Friday 24th

RED KITE: Two noted over Chipping Sodbury Common | A GREAT WHITE EGRET was watched on Pilning WR, New Passage.


Great White and Little Egret | Paul Bowerman


Saturday 25th

RED KITE: Singles over Wickwar and Oldland Common.


Sunday 26th

Eighteen COMMON SCOTER were seen from Severn Beach | Still at least two RING-NECKED PARAKEET visiting a private garden at Stoke Park.


Ring-necked Parakeet | Steve Richardson


Monday 27th

Two GUILLEMOT were watched in flight to the south-west from Severn Beach | Two Black Swan again in the Pilning WR/ Northwick Warth area | RED KITE: Singles from Marshfield and Siston.


Wednesday 29th

A RED KITE was once again present at Wickwar.


Friday 31st

RED KITE: Two over Yate Court, two in the Hall End area and one at Wick.





Saturday 1st

RED KITE: (3) At least two over Jarrett's, North Common and a single from Severn Beach | The antipodean exotica were once again noted in the Northwick Warth area.


Black Swan | Rosemary Setter


Sunday 2nd

RED KITE: (9) Up to eight were counted in the Wickwar area plus a single over Chipping Sodbury Common. (Alan Daniells, Bill Heslegrave, Mark Coller)


Tuesday 4th

A MEDITERRANEAN GULL was noted at Severn Beach.


Wednesday 5th

A MARSH HARRIER was watched at Aust Wetlands, Aust | A probable CATTLE EGRET was watched in flight over private garden on Shackleton Avenue, Yate this morning.


Thursday 6th

RED KITE: (1) One at Wickwar.


Friday 7th

Three COMMON CRANE (Ri) were watched circling over Oldbury Village this morning before heading south-west towards Aust. This occurrence represents the first ever June record of this species for S. Gloucestershire! | RED KITE: (5) One from Hall End and four around Jarrett's, North Common this evening.


Saturday 8th

A COMMON CRANE (Ri) was seen in flight at 07:00 heading north-east inland of Lagoon II, Oldbury Power Station.


Sunday 9th

RED KITE: (8) Four near Cann Break, Oldland Common, two from Chipping Sodbury Common and singles from Wickwar and Mangotsfield.


Monday 10th

RED KITE: (3) Two reported from Chipping Sodbury and one noted over Longwell Green.


Tuesday 11th

RED KITE: (2) At least two, possibly up to five, north-east of Kingswood mid-morning.


Wednesday 12th

Three BARNACLE GEESE (f) were watched heading north-east over Pilning Wetlands at around 08:00 | The 7th and first ever June record of TEMMINCK'S STINT was found on the Wader Pool, Pilning Wetlands this morning. It departed high to the south-east around 10:15 and was lost to view. Also present in the Pilning Wetlands/ Northwick Warth area this morning was; GREAT WHITE EGRET and at least two RED KITE (2). Two WHITE STORK (Ri) were reported high to the east over Northwick Warth early afternoon.


Temminck's Stint | Paul Bowerman


Thursday 13th

The summer adult TEMMINCK'S STINT reappeared on Pilning Wetlands at 10:45 and stayed for the rest of the day. Also present on the wetlands was an adult SPOONBILL early morning but had departed to the north by 07:40 and a GREAT WHITE EGRET | A RED KITE (1) was seen over Warmley.


Friday 14th

The summer adult TEMMINCK'S STINT was watched on Pilning Wetlands on and off throughout the day until at least 16:10.


Saturday 15th

An adult SPOONBILL was noted on Pilning Wetlands briefly before leaving to the north-east | From Severn Beach - Three MANX SHEARWATER, GUILLEMOT and four KITTIWAKE over the high tide period.


Spoonbill | Paul Bowerman


Sunday 16th

A GOSHAWK was seen in the Upton Coombe area near Hawkesbury Upton | RED KITE: (7) Three in the Upton Coombe area near Hawkesbury Upton and at least four over Hanham Hills, Hanham.


Monday 17th

A flock of ten CATTLE EGRET were seen to lift off of Pilning Wetlands and fly high to the north-east at 07:50. This occurrence represents the highest count of this species for S. Gloucestershire and the first ever June record! The previous highest count was nine on September 6th 2023 also on Pilning Wetlands | A wholly unconfirmed report of a GOLDEN ORIOLE from the Whitfield/ Falfield area near Eastwood Park this afternoon | RED KITE: (3) Two from the Frampton Cotterell area plus one over Cog Mill.


Cattle Egret | Paul Bowerman


Tuesday 18th

Two GREAT WHITE EGRET were noted on Pilning Wetlands early morning | RED KITE: (5) Two in the Shire Valley, Marshfield, two in the Wickwar area and one over Cadbury Heath at mid-day.


Wednesday 19th

RED KITE: (2) Two over North Common, Warmley late afternoon | Two GREAT WHITE EGRET still present on Pilning Wetlands.


Thursday 20th

RED KITE: (2) Singles over Harescombe, Yate and UWE, Frenchay | Three RING-NECKED PARAKEET over UWE, Frenchay late morning.


Friday 21st

A GREAT WHITE EGRET lifted off of the R. Frome near Cog Mill, Frampton Cotterell this morning | Three RING-NECKED PARAKEET were seen to leave a dead Ash on Long Down Avenue, Stoke Park mid-evening.


Saturday 22nd

RED KITE: (4) Two over Oldbury Power Station and singles over Oldland Common and Down Road, Marshfield | A possible QUAIL heard very briefly from Down Road, Marshfield this evening.


Sunday 23rd

RED KITE: (1) One was seen to cross over the A420 west of Marshfield.


Monday 24th

A GREAT WHITE EGRET to the south-east over Pilning Wetlands this morning and another to the north-west over Oldbury Power Station early afternoon | RED KITE: (2) Singles over California Road, Longwell Green and Wickwar.


Tuesday 25th

A summer adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL on Pilning Wetlands and two GREAT WHITE EGRET over to the south-east this morning.


Mediterranean Gull | Andy Stockhausen


Wednesday 26th

RED KITE: (3) Three between Chipping Sodbury and Wickwar early afternoon.


Thursday 27th

RED KITE: (2) Singles today from Tog Hill, Wick and north over Yate | FULMAR and a dozen MANX SHEARWATER from Severn Beach over the high tide period.


Friday 28th

An excellent candidate for Continental Black-tailed Godwit - Limosa limosa limosa was spotted on Pilning Wetlands today!


Continental Black-tailed Godwit | Andy Stockhausen


Saturday 29th

RED KITE: (5) Up to four around 'Jarrett's', North Common and one at Willsbridge | A summer adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL once again on Pilning Wetlands.


Sunday 30th

Two RING-NECKED PARAKEET still attending feeders in a private garden at Stoke Park and one heard near Wallscourt Farm, Filton/ MOD/ UWE area this afternoon | At least ten RED KITE around Jarrett's North Common this morning with singles over Goose Green Way, Yate and Wick this afternoon | A good count of nine COMMON SANDPIPER noted on the shore at Shepperdine today.





Monday 1st

RED KITE: (2) Singles at the Westerleigh end of Nibley Lane and Oldland Common | An adult and a 2nd summer MEDITERRANEAN GULL were spotted on Pilning Wetlands.


Tuesday 2nd

A GREAT WHITE EGRET was seen in flight at Oldbury Power Station and may have dropped on to The Lake | RED KITE: (1) One to the north-east at Oldbury Power Station | The presumed escaped 'Falconers Cross' (Lanner/ Saker/ Peregrine - first seen on June 7th) was once again present in the Pilning Wetlands/ New Passage area today.


Great White Egret | Pete Hazelwood


Wednesday 3rd

On Severnside two COMMON SCOTER ( a male and female) were seen from Severn Beach this evening and a Black Swan was noted on Pilning Wetlands earlier in the day.


Female Common Scoter | Paul Bowerman


Thursday 4th

An adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL was present on Pilning Wetlands.


Sunday 7th

RED KITE: (1) One over Kidney Hill, Westerleigh.


Monday 8th

A 2nd summer MEDITERRANEAN GULL spent most of the day in the Pilning Wetlands/ New Passage area | RED KITE: (3) Two over the Shire Valley (west), Marshfield and one over Longwell Green Leisure Centre.


Mediterranean Gull | Andy Stockhausen


Tuesday 9th

Two GREAT WHITE EGRET present on Pilning Wetlands this morning | A juvenile YELLOW-LEGGED GULL was found in fields just north of Aust STW this afternoon | RED KITE: (2) Two reported from Oldland Common.


Great White Egret |  Andy Stockhausen


Wednesday 10th

One GREAT WHITE EGRET was lingering on Pilning Wetlands today.


Friday 12th

Two adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL were on show in the New Passage area today.


Mediterranean Gull | Paul Bowerman


Saturday 13th

RED KITE: (1) One over Harescombe, Yate | An adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL was seen in the New Passage area.


Sunday 14th

RED KITE: (1) One from Lower Woods, Wickwar | An adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL was seen again in the New Passage area.


Monday 15th

A rather unseasonal (and to our knowledge the first July record) SHORT-EARED OWL was found on Northwick Warth this morning | A GREAT WHITE EGRET was seen in flight over Severn View Services, Aust this morning | Two 2nd calendar MEDITERRANEAN GULL were found roosting at New Passage this afternoon.


Short-eared Owl | Andy Stockhausen


Tuesday 16th

A juvenile GREAT WHITE EGRET was discovered above the sluice in the Oldbury Pill area early this morning | Three MEDITERRANEAN GULL (a juvenile and two 2nd summer) were on show in the Pilning Wetlands/ New Passage area today.


Mediterranean Gull | Paul Bowerman


Thursday 18th

A juvenile GREAT WHITE EGRET was once again seen in the Oldbury Pill area. A male ringed (red ring AFC) at the nest on Shapwick Heath, Somerset on April 16th 2024 | An adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL was both seen and photographed over Sims Hill, Stoke Park this afternoon feeding on flying ants and a 2nd summer continued at New Passage.


Great White Egret (AFC) | Pete Hazelwood, Bob Medland


Friday 19th

A GOSHAWK was noted in the north-east of the recording area this morning.


Saturday 20th

A 2nd summer MEDITERRANEAN GULL lingering in the New Passage area.


Sunday 21st

RED KITE: (3) Two were watched over Wapley Bushes, Yate and a single from Lower Woods, Wickwar | Two RING-NECKED PARAKEET still vandalising a private garden at Stoke Park | A record count of thirty-one (31) LITTLE EGRET was logged on Pilning Wetlands today. The previous highest count was twenty-eight (28) on March 11th 2019 at Thornbury.


Tuesday 23rd

An adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL was present around Pillhead Gout, Oldbury over high tide this morning.


Wednesday 24th

A WHITE STORK was reported in the evening on the shore at Shepperdine. A known escapee from the Wild Zoological Park, Bobbington, near Birmingham.


Thursday 25th

A 2nd summer MEDITERRANEAN GULL was still on show in the Pilning Wetlands/ New Passage area | Five RING-NECKED PARAKEET visiting a private garden in Stoke Park.


Friday 26th

Two MEDITERRANEAN GULL (an adult and a 2nd summer) in the Pilning Wetlands/ New Passage area | Six, a record equalling count of RING-NECKED PARAKEET now visiting a private garden in Stoke Park.


Mediterranean Gull | Paul Bowerman


Saturday 27th

A 2nd summer MEDITERRANEAN GULL was once again on show in the Pilning Wetlands/ New Passage area.


Sunday 28th

RED KITE: (3) Two at Marshfield and one over Shortwood.


Monday 29th

An unconfirmed, but high probability report, of a 'ringtail' HEN HARRIER north-west over Charfield late morning following the Little Avon River towards Huntingford. This occurrence represents the first ever July record of this species for the recording area.


Tuesday 30th

RED KITE: (2) Two near Hawkesbury Upton.


Wednesday 31st

LITTLE EGRET: Following a high count of 31 in the New Passage/ Pilning Wetlands area on July 21st the count increased to a whopping 35 (thirty-five) at the same site today!





Thursday 1st

An unringed juvenile GREAT WHITE EGRET was noted on the shore near Lagoon III, Oldbury Power Station this morning | RED KITE: (1) One seen at Wickwar.


Great White Egret | Pete Hazelwood


Friday 2nd

A GREAT WHITE EGRET was reported from the Oldbury on Severn area | A juvenile MEDITERRANEAN GULL was noted in the New Passage area.


Mediterranean Gull | Paul Bowerman


Saturday 3rd

A 2nd summer MEDITERRANEAN GULL was again present in the Pilning Wetlands/ New Passage area today.


Sunday 4th

LITTLE EGRET: Numbers continue to climb in the Pilning Wetlands area with a very creditable forty-one (41) on site this morning. Nearby a further five were seen on Aust Warth and an additional eight at Severn Beach! | MISTLE THRUSH: At least fourteen were logged in a Rowan in a private garden at Willsbridge | RED KITE: (4) One reported over Frampton Cotterell plus a late report of three over fields at Little Sodbury last week.


Monday 5th

An OSPREY was seen in flight over The MOD, Abbey Wood around 07:00 heading towards Stoke Park | A GREAT WHITE EGRET was noted in the Severn Beach area.


Tuesday 6th

A GREAT WHITE EGRET was seen in flight to the south-west over Severn View Services/ Aust STW this morning.


Saturday 10th

RED KITE: (1) One from Chipping Sodbury Common.


Monday 12th

A GRASSHOPPER WARBLER was heard 'reeling' from Lagoon III, Oldbury Power Station this morning | RED KITE: (1) One over Siston Lane, Siston.


Thursday 15th

An adult YELLOW-LEGGED GULL was noted on the Tidal Reservoir at Oldbury Power Station this morning | RED KITE: (1) One west of Shirehill Bridge over Harcombe Farm, Marshfield.


Yellow-legged Gull | Pete Hazelwood


Friday 16th

RED KITE: (4) Singles from the Shire Valley and Tog Hill with two between Old Sodbury and Acton Turville.


Saturday 17th

RED KITE:  (1) One over Chipping Sodbury Common this afternoon.


Sunday 18th

RED KITE: (5) Five in the Shire Valley, Marshfield this morning | A male FIRECREST processed at Littleton Brick Pits, Littleton-upon-Severn today becomes the earliest ever date for this species in S. Glos. The previous earliest date was August 21st  2022 also at Littleton-upon-Severn.


Firecrest | Mark Dadds/ Paul House


Monday 19th

A WRYNECK was found on Chipping Sodbury Common this morning but despite an extensive search could not be relocated.


Wednesday 21st

RED KITE: (1) One reported from Chipping Sodbury Common.


Thursday 22nd

Juvenile MEDITERRANEAN and YELLOW-LEGGED GULL were both seen from the Severn Beach shore this morning.


Friday 23rd

Eight RING-NECKED PARAKEET were present in a private garden at Stoke Park today. This figure represents the highest ever count of this species for S. Glos! The previous highest count was six on January 14th 2018 at St. Anne's Church, Oldland Common | A juvenile RAZORBILL (the first for at least four years and the first August record) was present off Severn Beach this morning | A WOODLARK was reported from Severn Beach today and represents the first ever August record of this species for S. Glos!


Seven of the eight present today | Steve Richardson

Razorbill | Paul Bowerman


Saturday 24th

RED KITE: (1) One reported from Wickwar.


Sunday 25th

RED KITE: (3) Three from the Shire Valley, Marshfield.


Tuesday 27th

An OSPREY was seen in flight to the north-east over the Orchard Pools, Severn Beach at 15.55 | A GREAT WHITE EGRET was noted in the Pilning Wetlands area.


Wednesday 28th

A juvenile BLACK REDSTART was found on The Jetty at Oldbury Power Station this morning | Seven RING-NECKED PARAKEET were attending feeders in a private garden at Stoke Park first thing.


Black Redstart | Pete Hazelwood


Thursday 29th

A single RING-NECKED PARAKEET was reported at Frampton Cotterell today.


Friday 30th

A WRYNECK was present briefly in the Aust STW area, Aust around 08:30 but had been lost by 09:10.


Saturday 31st

A juvenile female FIRECREST was processed in the Severn View Services area, Aust this morning and nearby another was processed at Littleton Brick Pits, Littleton-upon-Severn | A GREAT WHITE EGRET was noted in the Severn View Services area, Aust this morning.



Contributions from:


Jonathan Angell, Ian Armour, Louise Bailey, Phil Barlow, John Barnett, Morris Benson, Paul Bowdler, Paul Bowerman, Peter Bryant, Derek Clarke, Mark Coller, Pete Coslett, Steve Crane, Adam Cross, Stefan Csaki, Mark Dadds, Alan Daniells, Oscar Dewhurst, Ed Drewitt, Ian Dickie, Jamie Dunning, Will Duckworth, Barry Dursley, Heather England, Julie Evans, Stuart Evans, Tim Ford, Andy George, Markas Gilmartin, Anthony Goodwin, Chris Hall, Matt Hall, James Hallett, David Hanks, Simon Harding, Donna Harvey, Pete Hazelwood, Bill Heslegrave, Matt Hobbs, Paul House, Nick Hudson, Dave Hughes, Gary Hughes, Matt Hull, Mike Jackson, Sue Jarvis, Nigel Jones, Nigel Kempson, Chak Kan Lam, John Klosinski, Brian Lancastle, Rob Laughton, Craig Lewis, David Ludington, Andrew Luff, Fen Marshall, Bob Medland, Andrew Middleton, Chris Mott, Linda Moysey, Brian Mulgrew, Tom O'Shea, Nick Page, Darren Pearce, Alan Piper, Matt Plenty, Jonathan Potter, Dave Poulton, Mike Prior, Bob Proctor, Andy Pym, Aravind Ramesh, Peter Rock, Steve Richardson, Nigel Sluman, Dave Staley, Simon Stuart, Larry Sweetland, Paul Sadley, Vic Savery, Paul Sawyer, Tony Scott, Rick Seery, Rosemary Setter, Andy Stockhausen, Nigel Sluman, Chris Teague, Nick Tippett, Brian Thompson, Mike Tranter, Chris Trott, Chris Vines, Nigel Warren, Dan Webb, Thomas Weston, Martin Wightman, Terry Winter, Gordon Youdale | Avon Birds, OPS Birding, Severnside Birds.